The 2008 zebrafish meeting (June 25-29, Madison) will introduce workshops on specialized topics proposed by the community. These will be organized in two sessions, each with up to 5 workshops running concurrently. Workshops will last two hours, and might consist of 3 or 4 short (e.g. 15 min) talks, with extensive time for discussion.

To propose a topic, email (include name and affiliation). We will invite you to be a blog author and describe your proposal in a new post. If you want to comment on a topic, or propose a change, simply comment on the relevant post. Be warned: you may end up organizing the workshop!

We will accept new topics through 25 Jan 2008. The blog will remain open for comments through 1 Feb 2008, when the meeting organizers will choose a final list of workshop topics.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

FGF signaling in Zebrafish development

I propose a workshop topic on FGF signaling. FGFs are important signaling molecules controlling many aspects of development and many labs study the roles of FGF activity. Several tools are available for the study of FGF signaling including a FGFR inhibitor SU5402. However, discussion about FGF signaling is generally very limited, mostly likely due to the redundancy and confusing nature of FGF activity. A workshop focusing on FGF signaling will hopefully bring more lively discussion about a very intriguing pathway.

Judith Neugebauer
Graduate Student
Neurobiology and Anatomy
University of Utah

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